
Today (Wednesday) is the day of the lunar eclipse in Leo. Despite what’s been said, about this being a super, blue, blood moon eclipse, it’s not so blue. Blue is just a mark on a calendar page. The eclipse doesn’t even happen until the 1st of February in Australia. Yes, it was super, the Moon was at it’s perigee to the Earth. I suppose it was the color of blood – I don’t really know, the sun was already up here as it happened.

Astrologers get a bad rap sometimes for hyping things, but this lunar eclipse really got hyped by Astronomers and Mass Media.

Morning Window / nicole tilde 2018

It happened (or it’s happening) in the tropical zodiac sign of Leo.

In the second decan of Leo – each sign being divided into three decans.

The second decan of Leo is called by Austin Coppock in his book 36 Faces, “A Crown of Laurels.” In the tarot deck it is honored by The Six of Wands, the lord of victory, it’s Jupiter in Leo!

From Corrine Kenner’s, Tarot and Astrology,

“Leo is being heralded as a conquering hero, the star of the show, the center of attention, and the man of the hour…” 

Time to check our pride in the mirror. Or finally accept the honors we deserve.


I’m finding more so that Astrologers are a quiet lot. Observant. Not willing to be carried away by the wave of an untold transit. Looking to the sky. Looking within. Recognizing patterns – quietly learning from the planets and stars.

We (and I’m reaching to include myself within this lot of gazers) have been told we’re hysterical, postulating, predicting, but it doesn’t seem to be so. We seem to be watching the world go crazy around us. A world swept away while we are trying to quietly point things out – look, look, this has happened before – it’s a cycle.

But enough about this.

I hope you enjoyed the Lunar Eclipse. No matter what color it was.

In my dream I was in a dreary, kind of grey room, getting my hair cut and styled. Out came a snake with red cheeks. And then another one, larger, its guardian or mate. I wasn’t in my own space so I let it go, I was the only one who seemed concerned, but I kept wondering where the snakes went.

And then there were two more snakes, in another dream. I could tell they were non poisonous by their markings. There was a small one that ‘the cat drug in’ and a much larger one that had slithered in. This time they had intruded into my bathroom space. I most certainly did not invite them in.

Dream re-entry is easy – it’s the getting there that’s not.

The dogs must be fed. Breakfast must be had. I have to walk across the little things and to-do lists and tuck the unfinished laundry away in my head.

Where are my ear-buds?

The drumming album I just bought, Shamanic Trance Dance, is from Byron Metcalf

Automatic writing is good for my soul. I should do it every day.

“How did you get in?” I ask.

“Through the hole,” answers the larger snake.

I’m left wondering – what cracks do I need to shore up?

Where energy leaks out – the snakes slither in.

At the end of the dream Reed was googling how to catch a snake. I kept waiting for an answer. An action to take. It was while I was waiting that the snake left.

If I had only been watching the snake and not waiting I would know how it came in!

Ahhh! But it was here, in this space of waiting for a plan, of always learning, of waiting on someone else to tell me what to do, this space of deferring to another…

It was here where the snake left the room. Here was the crack. The energy leak.

The end of a dream is always like an arrow pointing.

“Here is the hole,” says the snake. “Follow me.”

I wonder where snakes go after they visit sleepers in their dreams. Do they stay snakes? Do they become dragonflies on the other side? Whatever they become I believe it’s what I should be.

On a Thursday maybe. Or a Friday. When there are flocks of yellow finch in the winter grass. I’ll become something else.

Or maybe today. Maybe today is a good day to try being something or somewhere else.

I follow him, it takes a while, because this snake is so long, it’s a head and then a torso and then tail, tail, and more tail… At first I look with just one eye. Will I fit? But snake holes are tricky. They look small, but they open wide to fabulous worlds. I walk in with a single step.

Dragonflies. I knew it.

In a grove of trees there’s a Shaman sitting on a sturdy limb.

The sun is low and orange. It’s so bright I can barely see.

“Are you the one?” I ask.

“Are you the one who rode in on a snake?” his voice whispers through the leaves. It’s amazing how the sound comes from everywhere.

“Yes, that would be me.”

“There is nothing to prepare for,” he says. This time his voice comes from behind my head. I turn around. There he is.

We dance for a while. I like the way our legs are in sync.

When we stop I say, “You’ve told me before – it’s my gift to make connections with words.”

He laughs so hard that I don’t know what to think. Is he laughing at me? Or with me? But then I know, the laugh is the thing, it’s the way laughing feels like a yes in your belly. He speaks in metaphor – just like a dream. Half of what he says I won’t get immediately.

Then as suddenly as he started he stops and asks, “Did you bring your sword?”

I pull out a disc of some sort – it spins in my hand. The rest is pure magic…

Spinning worlds within worlds. A blue eclipse. A red eclipse. Worlds move in fast motion and then slow… I can hear the grass growing, the clouds ripping opened, a Sharp-Shinned Hawk gaining speed on a Mockingbird. This world is so sad and full of beauty – how can all this be happening at the same time? None of this is real but I’m still here.

I come back, but not through the same hole. I simply walk in the back-door.

I’ve dreamed of bathrooms for years. They represent this space of preparing and getting ready. They often turn into nightmares. I can’t get out of the bathroom. I keep brushing my hair. I keep putting on clothes. I can’t get the water to turn off. The sink is flooding. It’s always one more thing. The energy leak of constantly preparing.

So, now I might ask, what is it that I’m not preparing for?

It’s hard to understand the work of being in the now.

Today was all my own. There were yellow finch in winter grass.

The sun came up. The eclipse came and went.

The crows seem so comfortable when they think no-one is looking. I watched for a while. Little men strolling and collecting seeds. They’re so graceful again when they fly.

Why does breakfast have to make such a mess?

The milk was on the edge of bad. That flowery buttermilk sensation. I don’t like milk enough to risk it.

Writing –

I want to write in the morning before my head fills with everything that must be done.

And now I’m thinking about how I don’t know how to be in this space. Every moment is an arrival. I have nowhere to go. I don’t know how to just be.

Rahu wanted to eat my Moon. On the day I was born he was 6 degrees away.

The next morning – he did.

Nobody in this world saw it happen. I cried but nobody knew why.

Babies in this world cry for food or warmth. Not because of snakes eating moons.

But I was fed and held.

I’ve spent my life in the belly of a snake – scratching and clawing to get out.

Until today.

There’s a flower blooming somewhere in my name – because this quiet day feels like a celebration.

Like a bell ringing when an angel gets her wings – kind of like that.

A crown of laurels.

The trees look pasted on the darkening sky.

Black on blue.


